Star Wars: 10 Awesome Ideas Disney Must Include In Episode X

5. Further Emphasis On The Politics

Kylo Kid

George Lucas had an idea of what each trilogy would be. The first would follow the father (Anakin Skywalker), the second would follow the son (Luke) and the third would follow the daughter (Leia).

Disney used Lucas' treatment for the sequels as toilet paper. If Lucas had his way, the story would have followed Leia's struggle to rebuilt the New Republic in the wake of the Empire's destruction. She would have had to contend with remnants of the Empire setting up their own kingdoms in remote corners of the galaxy, as well as crime bosses filling the vacuum.

To top it all off, Darth Maul would have emerged as the one to unite all these factions against the New Republic. Would have been great, right? Well that concept still might happen. Obviously Leia is no more, and Maul died on Tatooine in an episode of Star Wars Rebels, but the basic concept would still work.

The sequels basically reset the galaxy to how it was at the end of Return of the Jedi. The New Republic was effectively wiped out by Starkiller Base, and The First Order got tanked - but no doubt there's a few sneaky Moffs hiding here and there.

Basically, the galaxy is in tatters. A gritty and brutal struggle for power would be the obvious backdrop for a new story - tie in the looming threat of the Yuuzhan Vong and things are starting to sound like Game of Thrones in space.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.