Star Wars: 10 Best Female Characters (Of The Canon Series)

2. Leia Organa

Star Wars Female

What word can be used to describe Princess Leia Organa other than "iconic"?

She was the driving female force behind the entire original trilogy, created immortal Star Wars scenes in the process, and the late, great Carrie Fisher played the character like simply no one else ever could. Leia was the definitive female presence of Star Wars' early days and helped to define an entire generation.

Fisher would ultimately reprise her role in The Force Awakens and its prospective sequels as a general for the Resistance, proving that while she may have been a princess in name, she was always a fighter at heart.

Not to say that she didn't use her power as princess of Alderaan to its fullest, of course. Leia was another character who had a resurgence in Star Wars Rebels in which we see how she contributed to the early rebellion.

As a member of the Imperial Senate, she was able to undermine the Empire right under their noses and give aid to any and all rebel forces, making the Empire look like idiots and doing it with a smile on her face and spring in her step.

Carrie Fisher may have unfortunately been taken from us too soon, but the legacy she left as Princess Leia will live forever.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.