Star Wars: 10 Big Kylo Ren And Rey Theories For Episode 9

1. Kylo Ren Will Kill Rey

Star Wars Rey Kylo

What bigger twist could Star Wars pull off than Kylo Ren killing Rey before taking on the whole Resistance? A death looks unlikely, but that does not stop possible theories floating around that Ben Solo may complete his turn to the dark side by slaughtering the person he wants to join him.

Star Wars has always played it safe. Daisy Ridley was the first-ever female protagonist in the saga. Princess Leia lived on the originals. And Padme, who they had to kill off merely for plot purposes, ended up dying of a ‘broken heart’ rather than the force choke Anakin pulled on here before his epic showdown with Obi-Wan on Mustafar.

Kylo killing Rey would gazump Darth Vader’s big daddy reveal to son Luke in terms of drama. And it could then make way for a spectacular finale. Imagine a crazed Kylo taking on the entire Resistance as they mourn Rey, with Finn, Poe and Rose all leading the charge. Now that would be a scene to remember.

Why Is It Big? Killing off Rey would be the boldest and most unexpected move in Star Wars history. Whether Disney have the courage to make such a big decision, however, remains to be seen...

What do you think will happen between Rey and Kylo in Episode IX? Share your theories down in the comments.


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