Star Wars: 10 Coolest Moments in The Expanded Universe

2. Jaina And Jacen Solo€™s Final Battle

efww BIG DAMN SPOILERS So when I was being vague about Mara Jade€™s murderer? Yeah, it was her nephew Jacen Solo. It took over a full book for the rest of the family to discover this, at which point it became clear to them all that Jacen was beyond redemption. For complicated reasons, it was Jacen€™s twin Jaina who took it upon herself to kill Jacen before he succeeded in taking over the galaxy. Their fight, while not as good as it would have been if Matthew Stover wrote it, is still suitably epic. And when Jaina wins, it has all the great elements of a bittersweet victory.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at