Star Wars: 10 Expanded Universe Starships You Didn't Know Were Canon Again

8. HWK-290 Light Freighter (The Moldy Crow)

Star Wars Rebels Hammerhead Corvette

It may have the official designation of HWK-290 but show any EU fan a picture and they’ll immediately identify it as The Moldy Crow. Though appearing in all of two video games, it is the personal ship of Kyle Katarn, and that alone makes it one of the most iconic ships in Star Wars, right up there with the Millennium Falcon, Dash Rendar’s Outrider, and the Azzameen family’s Otana.

The base model is fast and agile, intended less for mass transit and more for upscale clients who want to get where they’re going quickly. Like all Corellian designs it is endlessly modifiable, a feature Katarn took full advantage of to turn the Crow into a heavily armed fighter that, in the hands of Kyle's long time partner Jan Ors, is lethal even to the likes of a TIE Interceptor.

The hawk-nosed freighter enters canon in issue twelve of the comic Star Wars: Kanan, under the ownership of Imperial governor Gamut Key. Unfortunately the model seen is a default factory variant, Disney neatly avoiding making Kyle canon by accident - but even so, fans can still dream of what might one day be.

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