Star Wars: 10 Insane Easter Eggs You Totally Missed In Rogue One

8. Gareth Edwards' Cave Monsters

Rogue One A Star Wars Story Jyn Erso

Known primarily for his time ushering gigantic Kaiju onto the big screen coming into his spin on all things Star Wars, Gareth Edwards simply could not resist throwing a cheeky winks at his monster-mashing past into Rogue One's already stacked and rich background. Or rather, his crew couldn't.

Coming during the scenes which go down in Saw Gerrera's chilling cave on Jedha, the director would reveal on The Star Wars Show that there are a number of paintings on his wall that contain more than a few nods at Edwards' over-flowing monster back catalogue. And that he also hilariously wasn't even in on the references coming into the shooting of the scenes.

As he put it:

"In Saw's cave, there are some cave paintings. One of them is of the creatures that were in my first film, called Monsters, and then there's some MUTOs and Godzilla. I didn't ask for it, they just did it as a joke. I came in one day and spotted it in the middle of a take."

So, there you have it. Turns out Titans are Canon in this galaxy far, far away and Darth Vader vs. Godzilla on Mustafar in the coming years is pretty much a formality...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...