Star Wars: 10 Insane Easter Eggs You Totally Missed In Rogue One

7. Rian Johnson's Blink-And-You'll-Miss-It Cameo

Rogue One A Star Wars Story Jyn Erso

Mostly due to the fact that he's now become a tad busy in recent times in the wake of Knives Out's undoubted success and the Netflix influx of cash that has led to yet more Benoit Blanc investigations, fans will likely be forced to wait a while longer before witnessing another Rian Johnson stamp create waves in this galaxy far, far away.

But for those who simply cannot stand the thought of waiting an age for more Johnson Star Wars escapades, look no further than The Last Jedi director's under-the-radar cameo within Gareth Edwards' Rogue One.

As Johnson found himself prepping for said eighth Skywalker Saga entry in London around the time of the spin-off's shoot, a visit to Edwards' set soon brought with it a cameo on the Death Star as one of the planet-destroying laser's operators.

Joining him was The Last Jedi and Knives Out producer Ram Bergman in the perilous position. And in return for this space-aged favour, Johnson happily recruited Edwards to The Last Jedi's Resistance platoon as the good guys attempt to stave off The First Order on Crait.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...