Star Wars: 10 Massive Plot Holes The Sequels Stupidly Created
1. The Undoing Of Han's Character Arc
Admittedly, the retreading and repetition of Han Solo's character arc is by this point a staple in the Star Wars Universe.
In A New Hope, the once self-centred smuggler turns good after realising that selfishness isn't always great, joining the Rebellion's assault on the Death Star, becoming a hero.
After three years spent working closely with the Rebellion, Han decides at the start of The Empire Strikes Back that he is a self-centred smuggler once again, doubling back on his character arc in the first movie --- only to realise once more that selfishness isn't always great, becoming, once again, a hero.
In Solo ... well, you get the point.
After seeming to run away from the good fight only to become a hero not once, not twice but three times, it seemed certain that Han had eventually settled on his path, realising his destiny lay with fighting authoritarian regimes rather than looking after himself.
But during The Force Awakens, audiences are re-introduced to a disenfranchised Han who not only ran away from the New Republic and the Resistance, but also his family, giving up on redeeming his son Ben and leaving his long-term partner Leia to deal with her grief alone.
Of course, Han does eventually re-join the good fight (again), even sacrificing himself in a futile attempt to save his son in perhaps the most emotional scene in the entire Saga. Still, it's a little disorientating that the Sequel Trilogy picks up Han's story arc from seemingly the midpoint of A New Hope, rather than its heroic conclusion at the end of Return Of The Jedi.