Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Female Characters
1. Asajj Ventress
Back in 2003, the original animated Clone Wars series introduced some truly brilliant characters who turned out to be little more than one-off entries into the Star Wars universe but one character stood out above the rest as one we were all eager to see developed: Asajj Ventress.
Stunning character design and dual lightsaber wielding is always a good base to start with when designing a Star Wars character but Ventress was something else. Debuting in an gladiatorial arena, watched over by Count Dooku, Ventress took down creatures ten times her size with ease and impressed the fallen Jedi enough to win his favour.
From thereon, it was a long time before Ventress would appear again but the more recent Clone Wars series brought her back with a literal vengeance against both Obi-Wan and Anakin but that isn't the real example of her power that puts her atop this list.
Instead, Darth Sidious himself expressed his concern at Ventress' growing power in the Force and instructed Dooku to eliminate her - even the Dark Lord of the Sith was worried about her rapidly increasing power and that is something that hadn't happened before nor since.
Tragically, Ventress met her end at the hands of Dooku but it was in an effort to protect her paramour, Quinlan Vos, showing that the cold hearted, killing machine had become something far greater.