Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Female Characters

2. Mara Jade Skywalker

Rey Star Wars

Sadly, Mara Jade Skywalker's story is now firmly consigned to the realms of the non-canon Legends as the former Emperor's Hand and later wife of Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker simply cannot exist given the events of the sequel trilogy.

Initially, a cold assassin in the employ of Emperor Palpatine himself; Mara Jade took down numerous targets for the Dark Lord of the Sith and benefitted from his teachings to become a fearsome Dark Jedi capable of eliminating anyone she was tasked with dispatching.

Mara Jade was even present, undercover, at Jabba's Palace during the opening events of Return of the Jedi - witnessing Skywalker take down a Rancor with his wits alone. This would be far from her last meeting with Luke Skywalker and her initial response to him was cold disdain for his part in the apparent death of her master: Darth Sidious.

In time, Mara Jade saw the error of her ways and renounced the Dark Side showing incredible will and strength to overcome the lure of evil. She joined Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order and began instructing Padawan learners in the ways of the Force before marrying the Grandmaster.

The Expanded Universe has many a powerful female character but none more so than Mara Jade Skywalker: Sith Assassin, Emperor's Hand, Jedi Master and all round powerhouse.

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