Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Female Characters
7. Meetra Surik
Known to most as the 'Jedi Exile', Meetra Surik served in the questionably canonical Mandalorian Wars and is the main protagonist of the superb Knights of the Old Republic II video game. There is a caveat to this entry that Surik is female within the Old Republic mythos itself but the player can choose to be male, if they wish.
Surik was considered to be so powerful with the Force that she actually became a 'Wound in the Force' for her actions during the destruction of Malachor V and lost her connection upon returning to the Jedi Council to answer for her perceived crimes.
A lengthy trip across the galaxy leads Surik back to Malachor V to face her final test and the decisions of the player dictate the ending - canonically (in a fashion) Surik chooses the path of the Light and embarks on a quest to find the lost Jedi hero: Revan.
Despite all of the phenomenal power she displays throughout KOTOR 2, Surik's true demonstration of her power came after her death at the hands of the Sith Empire - her Force Ghost remained to prolong Revan for an unnatural lifespan of 300 years as he was held prisoner by the Sith.
Finally, she became One with the Force upon Revan's escape, a legend indeed.