Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Female Characters
3. Bastila Shan
A Jedi prodigy known for her talents with Battle Meditation, Bastila Shan is one of the most brilliantly written characters in all of Star Wars history appearing as a companion in Knights of the Old Republic and making a cameo in its sequel.
Bastila becomes the first character the player can use with Force powers and her position as a Jedi Sentinel is a perfect balance between combat and mastery of the Force itself. Essentially, Bastila usually becomes the most powerful Jedi in the player's party (thanks to the levelling system) and her story only adds credence to her power.
Assigned to a Jedi task force, Bastila led a team to take down and capture the Dark Lord of the Sith: Darth Revan. Succeeding in subduing Revan, the betrayal of his apprentice Malak allowed Bastila to capture and sustain Revan's life force forging a bond between herself and the fallen Jedi.