Star Wars: 10 Reasons Duel Of The Fates Would've Been Way Better Than Rise Of Skywalker

8. Epic Space Battle Over Coruscant

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

Other than Kylo Ren's Dora The Explorer-like quest to become an indestructible Sith, the majority of the film takes place on everybody's favourite Republic-era capital, Coruscant. Here, we find Finn, Rey, Poe and Rose (who was pretty much written out of The Rise of Skywalker), who have managed to sneak into a First Order stronghold and try to take it down from the inside.

It should also be of note that Rey manages to sneak in by dressing up as a Tusken Raider before brandishing her new and improved lightsaber when things get serious.

Similar to the ending of TROS, there is a monumental space battle but, instead of Exegol, it's over Coruscant, with the likes of Lando, Chewie and Poe tearing it up for the Resistance. Chewie almost singlehandedly taking down the majority of the First Order's ships in an X-Wing he pilots by himself.

Thinking about it, we don't get much of a chance to see Chewie's skills as a pilot, and this would have been an awesome moment to have experienced on the big screen.


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