Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Galactic Empire Wasn't As Bad As Everyone Thinks

2. Getting Rid Of The Jedi Was Good

One of the main aims of Palpatine and the Empire in general was to remove the Jedi from the galaxy, and with the films putting Jedi firmly in the €˜good guy€™ camp this has given them something of a bad rap. But were they really all that good? Turns out no, they€™re not. For starters the Jedi have been partly responsible for some of the biggest conflicts in the history of the galaxy, playing a major part in both the Clone Wars and the earlier Jedi Civil War. These wars caused a great deal of destruction and saw mass loss of life, leading to many civilians resenting them. Furthermore many of the Sith Lords were simply fallen Jedi, showing how easily a powerful Jedi could become a menace. Even outside of conflict though they aren€™t exactly perfect role models. They routinely trick and override the free will of innocent people just to get their own way; they don€™t even fully follow their own rules and never seem to punish serial offenders. Essentially the Jedi are just selfish €“ they say they are working for the good of all civilisation but instead are just enforcers for the Republic, doing what the senate wants in order to stay in power. Honestly, who let these guys have such an important role in the first place?

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