Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Prequel Trilogy Is Better Than You Remember

8. The Jedi Council

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace Obi-Wan Kenobi Darth Maul

The original trilogy almost deifies the Jedi and treats them like mythical beings, shrouded in mystery, and leaves fans with many questions about their past.

The prequels draw back the curtain, depicting the Jedi Order at the height of its power. It's not unusual to see multiple Jedi on screen at once and it offers new take on their place in the Galaxy.

The Jedi Council serves as the governing body for the Jedi Order, and it's interesting to see their role as galactic peacekeepers. However, the prequels also hint at another side to the Jedi, alluding to the fact that there are in fact parallels between them and the Sith.

The council are quick to dismiss the threat of the Sith returning and this arrogance results in their eventual downfall. Mace Windu also suggests that the Jedi Council takes control of the senate briefly, hinting that perhaps the Jedi also crave power. While Master Yoda quickly shuts down this line of thought, the prequels add a new layer to the lore of the Jedi and show there is a more complex side to them, compared to Luke Skywalker's shining example of heroism and unwavering morals.

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