Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of Cloud City You Need To Know

1. A Cloud City May Be Possible

star wars cloud city

As entertaining as the Star Wars universe is, we know it's pure fantasy. Even though lightsabers, tight-turning spaceships, and Death Stars are staples in the beloved franchise, we're aware such technology couldn't possibly exist.

But that doesn't mean certain elements from Star Wars aren't feasible. Even though a city hovering in the clouds sounds like utter fiction, astrophysicists suggest otherwise.

And we're not talking about a habitat hovering over Earth. According to NASA researcher, Geoffrey Landis, a floating city could exist over an inhospitable world like Venus! Despite the fact it snows metal and rains acid on Earth's neighbouring planet, the atmosphere just above Venus is surprisingly tolerable for human life to thrive. Even though the surface is about 460 degrees Celsius, the temperature ranges to a more reasonable 0-50 degrees Celsius 30 miles above. Because the Sun's second closest planet is overstuffed with floating gases like nitrogen and oxygen, the idea of keeping a city in the air isn't that farfetched, according to Landis.

So, the next time you hear someone tell you Cloud City is completely farfetched, set them straight.

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