Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

8. Not Every Light Side Force User Classifies Themselves As A Jedi

Qui Gon Force Ghost

For the longest time, it was assumed that all Force-sensitive folk who wished to operate on the side of good must automatically fall into the category of Jedi. And the same was regularly applied to those Force-wielders who wandered down the darker path; only with said troubled souls inevitably becoming Sith Lords, naturally.

As time has rolled on by, though, the grey area between Jedi and Sith has been explored more and more in comics and on the big and small screen.

And it's in this complex space within the galaxy far, far away that some of the franchise's most compelling and mesmerising characters have been born.

Of the many folks to fight the good fight with a little help from the Force but not as a Jedi Knight, former Jedi Order member Ahsoka Tano perhaps sits as the most notable, with Anakin Skywalker's one-time padawan still choosing to aid the Rebel Alliance and forces of good, despite turning her back on an organisation she lost faith in during the Clone Wars.

The Sequel Trilogy's Maz Kanata is another famous Force-user helping our heroes who doesn't class herself as a Jedi by any means either.

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