Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

7. Not Every Jedi Can Become A Force Ghost

Qui Gon Force Ghost

Throughout the Original Trilogy, every masterful Jedi or eventually redeemed Sith eventually finds a way to make a glowing return to the big-screen after death.

But while this may have seemed like something of a formality for all Jedi who pass from the land of the living, becoming a Force Ghost isn't actually immediately guaranteed after death.

That's because only those who complete a very specific piece of training, or commit a truly self-less sacrifice, are granted the ability to stave off becoming entirely one with the Force upon biting the dust.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn was the first Jedi within the Skywalker Saga to discover this path towards becoming a visual spirit and retaining his identity after death, but was unfortunately unable to complete his training before falling to Darth Maul. He was able to use his voice to guide Yoda towards fully discovering the secret to eternal consciousness, however.

And later down the road, as seen in the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series, Jinn does finally manage to learn what it takes to manifest physically in Force Spirit form.

But if you were wondering why the likes of Mace Windu and many of the other notable Prequel Jedi in particular didn't find a way to visually fade back onto the scene later down the road, it's largely because they simply didn't get a chance to learn how to before becoming one with the Force.

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