Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Imperial TIE Fighter

9. It Was Partially Named After A Bow Tie

Tie fighter darth vader Audi version

In universe, the TIE Fighter is officially named after its Twin Ion Engine propulsion system. But according to the video game Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, it is at least partially named after something you wouldn’t expect – the Bow tie. But this a bit weird, because we never see a character wear one.

The real-life designer, Colin Cantwell, seemingly took no inspiration from the swanky fashion item, saying that his designs were "80 percent looks, 10 percent aerodynamics, 10 percent whimsy," and of the TIE specifically that the design essentially came spontaneously: "It took lots of deep thought, but I think I succeeded. It just came out of my mind."

Instead the rather out of place reference is likely an homage to George Lucas. According to Wookiepedia the Star Wars creator named the craft a ‘TIE’ Fighter because it made him think of Bow ties. Draw a line from the top of each wing through the cockpit to the bottom of the other and you can clearly see the resemblance.

And if you’re now wondering whether you can actually buy a TIE Fighter Bow tie? Yes you can.

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