Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Mace Windu

1. He Was Trained By Cyslin Myr

Mace Windu Purple
Lucasfilm / Marvel Comics

It might be hard to believe, but Mace Windu was once a Padawan, just like all young Jedi. He also had a master, a woman named Cyslin Myr. Myr traveled with Windu to the planet Mathas to confront the false profit, Drooz.

Outside of this mission, not much is known about Cyslin Myr, as this is her only appearance in canon. In Star Wars Legends, Windu was trained by the Jedi Master T’ra Saa. Owing to her species extended life spans, T’ra Saa lived through some of the galaxy’s most intense conflicts.

T’ra Saa was a general during the Clone Wars, she survived the Jedi purge and the Galactic Civil War, and went on to help found the New Jedi Council.

So, what did we learn? Mace Windu was a devoted Jedi, a controlled and powerful warrior, and overall cool dude.

And Anakin killed Mace for his wrinkled, old prune-daddy, Palpatine. Not cool, Anakin.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at