Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Mace Windu

2. His Home Planet Appeared To Be A Gaseous Nightmarescape

Mace Windu Purple

Mace Windu hailed from a Mid-Rim planet called Haruun Kal. The words Haruun Kal roughly translate to “above the clouds” in galactic basic. For those of you to don’t spend all your time on various Star Wars message boards, galactic basic is amazingly similar to English.

The reason Haruun Kal is called “above the clouds” is that from orbit you might think this is an ocean world like Mon Cala or Kamino. There are only a few specks of land that sit like islands in a roiling ocean. The ocean isn’t water, though, it’s an extremely toxic cocktail of noxious gases. These gases emerge from thousands of active volcanoes on the planet's surface.

The planet is the perfect metaphor for Mace Windu.

Haruun Kal’s habitable zones are serene mountaintops and plateaus high enough to rise above the volcanic atmosphere. This mirrors the personality of Windu who was calm and collected on the surface. However, he channeled his dark emotions to become a formidable Jedi warrior.


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at