Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Obi-Wan Kenobi

4. He Defeated Maul By Adopting Qui-Gon's Stance

Obi-Wan Kenobi Flying

Jedi Knights are well practised in lightsaber combat. However, in order to master the lasered sword, they must be proficient in not one, but all seven duelling forms.

Kenobi favoured the Soresu style (Form III) after his and Qui-Gon Jinn's climatic battle with Darth Maul in A Phantom Menace. The Sith Lord was a Juyo (Form VII) practitioner, whilst the Jedi, on this occasion, fought using Ataru (Form III), both notably aggressive systems, not best suited for Theed Palace's confined spaces.

With Qui-Gon more focussed on the duel blades, Maul landed a calculated strike to Jinn's face, using the hilt, followed by a fatal blow to his torso. Initially enraged, Obi-Wan managed to over come his Master's killer and learned to prefer the more defensive, third form method.

In the animated series, Rebels, set many years later, Kenobi and Maul faced off yet again. No longer a student, Kenobi initially adopted his Soresu stance but momentarily reverted to standing in Qui-Gon's en garde position. This brief switch goaded Maul into attempting the same strike he did all those years prior. Obi-Wan's psychological trick worked, and he thus managed to defeat his long time foe, cutting his hilt in half and wounding him in the chest.

The duel was short, but so, so sweet.


Actor, Stage Combatant, Writer, Rugger Bugger and Wrestling Fan. Suggestions for articles and quizzes welcome! Follow me on Twitter @joshuaplummeruk