Star Wars: 10 Times Obi-Wan Kenobi Broke His Own Rules

4. Rako Harden

Throughout the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi went through his fair share of storylines where he took the spotlight. One such episode was the fifteenth episode, Deception, where he goes undercover and disguises himself as a criminal named Rako Hardeen to discover a plot involving a devastating attack on a ceremony on the planet Naboo.

In order for this daring plan to work, however, Kenobi had to stage his own death so that this secret mission could be done without the suspicion of the eagle-eyed Anakin Skywalker. Even when the mission is a success and the Jedi reveals to Anakin why he had to do it, it does shake their relationship somewhat.

Always a truthful and loyal ally to his former apprentice, this is unlike Obi-Wan to hide something so important in an attempt to thwart the Separatists' latest scheme from a close ally. And while lying isn't exactly a code of the Jedi, it is one that Kenobi always seems to follow and why fans root for his success.

Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and Yoda may share their opinions on the matter and how Anakin could jeopardise the mission if he discovered it, this ultimately came down as a decision by Kenobi that leads to a break in the trust between the two, one of whom will take it more personally than the other. Even someone as loyal as Obi-Wan isn't immune from playing a hand in deception and lying that puts Anakin on the road towards the inevitable path of becoming the Sith Lord, Darth Vader.

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A writer who enjoys all things animation while dabbling into some gritty sci-fi and fantasy television. Enjoys a Marvel-ous cinematic trip like anyone else and has continued to love Pokémon since the '90s.