Star Wars: 10 Ways The New Films Could Improve The Prequels

2. Give Obi-Wan A Haunted Spin-Off

If you asked a crowd of Star Wars fans what the biggest redeeming factor of the prequels was, rather a lot of them would surely say Ewan McGregor. He's just that good; perfectly cast as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, McGregor tried his best with all the awful dialogue and ridiculous CGI scenes he was given. To build upon his decent work from the prequels, perhaps Lucasfilm could green light an Obi-Wan solo movie. Seeing him as an Episode VIII Force ghost would be cool, but it€™d be even more awesome to see what Obi-Wan got up to in the years between Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope. I€™m imagining him as a Old West gunslinger type character, attempting to keep the bad-lands of Tatooine in order and protect Luke from any threats. They could even throw in a final showdown with Darth Maul, if Lucasfilm want to kill two birds with one stone. This is one of the biggest ways in which the new films could improve upon the prequels €“ by taking their best performer and most interesting character and thrusting him into centre stage. Yes, Christensen was awful, but doesn€™t everyone still love McGregor? By playing to this strength, Lucasfilm could partly redeem the prequels and give fans a pre-A New Hope Tatooine story that doesn€™t suck.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.