Star Wars 7: 6 Perfect Casting Rumours (And Who They Could Play)

2. Michael Fassbender As Emperor Palpatine

Another franchise expert picking his way through countless nostalgic cinema is Michael Fassbender. At this point in his career, anything Fassbender is tied to is almost sure to get the attention of action and adventure audiences around the world. Needless to say, Fassbender is quite busy for the foreseeable future but missing the opportunity to take part in a Star Wars film would be a shame. One the most popular comic book stories in the Star Wars Universe is Dark Empire in which the galaxy witnesses the cloning and return of Emperor Palpatine. With lots of early rumors flying around that both Palpatine and Darth Vader would make a return to the new trilogy, is it possible that the writers may take inspiration from Dark Empire? The story goes on that throughout the years of the Empire, Palpatine had slowly been transferring his consciousness to clone bodies in order to reach and attain immortality. The prospect of a Palpatine clone is very intriguing as it could link the prequel trilogy with the sequel trilogy and expand on what Palpatine actually meant when he had those conversations with Anakin in Episode III. If any comic book were to be inspire a film it would hands down have to be Dark Empire. And if fans were to see a younger, resurrected version of Palpatine, Michael Fassbender would be the perfect actor to take on that iconic role. Up to this point, fans have only witnessed a glimpse of the power that Palpatine wields. In using a younger actor like Fassbender, it would be brilliant to see a Palpatine with a more youthful, less decayed body battle against old foes like Luke Skywalker while taking on a newer generation of Skywalkers.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw