Star Wars: 7 Dream Anthology Films We Want To See

5. Tarkin

Tarkin Star Wars Story

Politics do not have the best track record in Star Wars. Although increasingly prevalent in the prequels, George Lucas' atrocious writing made the politics unbearable. However, it doesn't have to stay this way.

Grand Moff Tarkin is one of the most formidable and intriguing Star Wars villains, and he is the perfect character to star in a galaxy far, far away's first political thriller. Taking place in the years leading up to Rogue One, this Anthology film could track Tarkin's rise to power within the Empire as well as dive into his relationship with Darth Vader.

Disney also has a wonderful story about the character from which to draw inspiration. Long-time Star Wars novelist James Luceno's Tarkin chronicles the Imperial Officer's origins, and it is part of the series' recently redefined canon. An adaption of Luceno's book could be made for a small budget (small by Disney standards), and would finally make the politics of Star Wars interesting again.

Dream Involvement: Tom Hiddleston not only has the range needed to portray this complex character, but also shares some resemblance with Peter Cushing.


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