Star Wars 7: What You Should Watch To Familiarise Yourself With The New Cast Members

5. Adam Driver - Girls

Lena Dunham's Girls has often been described as a modern day Sex In The City, though the comparison is a questionable one at best, given the sheer contrast between the characters of the two shows and the depiction of New York life contained within them. Admittedly, however, both feature a quartet of female leads and are often sex-centric. The show's primary male character is Adam Sackler, played by Adam Driver. Describing him as quirky would be an understatement, given his sheer eccentricity, but the relationship between him and Dunham's female lead Hannah feels organic despite its bizarre nature at times, largely due to Driver's performance and chemistry with the show's creator. Unlike some of the other names announced, Driver has been mooted at Star War's new villain for several months now and has ultimately been cast whilst other heavily speculated names have not. If he is indeed the villain, it will certainly be interesting to see what he has to bring to the table, as the iconic Darth Vader is a hard act to follow.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.