Star Wars 7: What You Should Watch To Familiarise Yourself With The New Cast Members

4. Domhnall Gleeson - About Time

Domhnall Gleeson As the son of Irish acting great Brendan Gleeson, it could be argued that nepotism is responsible for the ascension of his son Domhnall in the acting world, though he appeared in a number of films both before and around the same time as the release of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, where he played Ron Weasley's eldest brother Bill. Since then, the thirty year old has made the most of opportunities that have come his way, appearing in one of the more emotional episodes of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror as well as Joe Wright's adaptation of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. His first major lead role, however, was in Richard Curtis' latest comedy drama, About Time, where Gleeson plays the role of Tim Lake, a man who comes from a family of time travelling males. Though Lake's ability to traverse time and space could be played for laughs (and is, on many occasions), he is the core (alongside Rachael MacAdams) of what is a highly emotional film at times and Gleeson thrives in the role. Though he may not have traditional 'leading man' looks, he has certainly carved out a niche for himself in the film industry, and Star Wars provides a fantastic opportunity for him to further become renowned for his own talents rather than being the 'son of Brendan'.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.