Star Wars: 8 Theories About Supreme Leader Snoke's Identity

5. Snoke Is Mace Windu

Grand Inquisitor Snoke

The Theory

Another bonkers theory to emerge from the fan community pegs Samuel L Jackson's purple Lightsaber-wielding Jedi master Mace Windu as Snoke.

A YouTube video posted by Vincent Vendetta goes into great detail on these claims, arguing that Finn is actually Windu's son and the fallen Jedi has joined the forces of evil out of sheer hatred for the Skywalkers.

In true conspiracy theorist fashion, the video also flags up what it interprets as subtle clues supporting the argument, such as the character's purple Lightsaber representing a halfway house between the righteous blue and the villainous red.

How Credible Is It?

Although the video is an entertaining watch and gets 10/10 for creativity, this entire theory is nothing more than a series of coincidences.

The Star Wars sequels are not bringing Mace Windu back, and even if they were, surely it would be Sam Jackson playing him?

As much as we hate to contradict the actor himself, who is adamant his character could have survived the events of Episode III, an overdoes of the Emperor's electrifying powers coupled with a fall from that high killed him.


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