Star Wars: 8 Things That The Sequel Trilogy Got RIGHT

3. Believable Dialogue

Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Rey

Following on from what was said earlier about the performances in the prequels, one of the major handicaps for those actors was the fact that some of their dialogue could have used another draft, to put it kindly.

Lines such as, “I hate sand” or “I am the senate” have become memes among the fans because they are so oddly written and delivered.

The original trilogy has a few duds too. Mark Hamill has said that he even once protested to George Lucas about some of the hammier lines, telling him “Who talks like this George? This is really not fair, because you know we’re the ones who are gonna get vegetables thrown at us. Not you!” Harrison Ford also once remarked, “You can type this sh*t, but you can’t say it.” Oof.

The sequel trilogy goes for a far more realistic style of dialogue, while still keeping that signature Star Wars rhythm to the speech. No longer do characters simply say exactly what they feel and think at any given moment. Nuance, something which Star Wars has never exactly been big on, is very welcome here.

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