Star Wars: 9 Lightsabers You Didn't Know Exist (And What They Mean)

7. White Lightsaber

Star Wars Ahsoka Tano

Potentially the coolest of all the canon lightsabers are the white blades wielded by Ahsoka Tano during the Galactic Civil War. Ahsoka, who had up until this point wielded green, yellow-green and blue lightsabers during her time as a Jedi, fashioned these blades after killing an Inquisitor. She took the red Kyber Crystal and 'purified' them, hence the white glow - and who could possibly argue that they don't look great?

The idea of Jedi purifying or even corrupting Kyber Crystals isn't a new concept, but it's been best articulated in the new canon. That distinctive red glow from all Sith lightsabers? That comes from them actually bending the crystal to their will. They literally bleed the crystal in order to change its colour to something dark, and Ahsoka - as far as we know - is the only Jedi believed to have reversed that process.

As for as what the blades represent, Ahsoka had left the Jedi Order before the Rise of the Empire. When she came out of hiding she was beholden to no order, and Star Wars Rebels director Dave Filoni later followed up her first appearance on the show by saying the blades were coloured white for that exact reason.

Like the Darksaber, Tano's white blades were one of a kind, meaning no other Jedi were known to wield weapons with the same colour.

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