Star Wars: 9 Lightsabers You Didn't Know Exist (And What They Mean)

5. Lightsaber Pike

Star Wars Lightsaber Pike

The old Legends canon was filled to the brim with all sorts of weird and wonderful lightsaber colours, but one of the more fondly remembered was yellow. Several Jedi utilised this kind of saber - including Zayne Carrick, who operated during the Old Republic - but only a select few have been known to use it in the new canon; hence why it's slightly more obscure than the blue and green blades audiences are more familiar with.

Yellow lightsabers were only really utilised by Jedi Temple guards, and even then they were of unique design. These 'pikes' differed from the usual double bladed swords in that they had a longer hilt, and all guards wielded the same basic design. They were typically recruited from Jedi Sentinels - Jedi who specifically dabbled with undercover work and infiltration - and that class just so happens to be the one most synonymous with the colour yellow.

Although the current canon has only really shown yellow blades attached to the pikes used by the temple guards, a few figures have been known to wield more typical designs with a yellow crystal. For instance, after leaving her life as a Sith behind, bounty hunter Asajj Ventress used a yellow lightsaber in her efforts to track down and assassinate Count Dooku, after acquiring one on the black market.

All in all though, the yellow sabers are pretty mysterious. They're supposedly passed down from guard to guard, but an exact reason why hasn't been revealed.

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