Star Wars: 9 Unused Force Awakens Concepts That Need To Be Revisited

1. Anakin Skywalker€™s Force Ghost

Iain McCaig was inspired by Ursula K Le Guin€™s quote that €œto light a candle is to cast a shadow.€ This led him to propose that Anakin Skywalker€™s Force ghost could return, but that he might not be as friendly as he seemed in the closing moments of Return Of The Jedi. The result of this train of thought was McCaig€™s much-shared piece of concept art pictured above. This shows Anakin€™s ghost flowing €œback and forth between Darth Vader and Anakin€, because he€™s a character with €œa dark and a light side.€ This is a concept that I€™d absolutely love to see revisited. After all, Vader's big moment of redemption at the end of Return Of The Jedi could hardly cleanse his soul of the manifold murders he committed/allowed over the years (including the butchering of the Jedi younglings, the genocide of Alderaan€™s entire population and the routine Force-choking of his own employees). The idea of Anakin€™s spirit not being fully Light Side makes sense for the character, then, and it would also explain why Kylo Ren implied that Vader had shown him the power of darkness (prior to the events of The Force Awakens). It could foreshadow the idea of Luke or Rey falling to the Dark Side, as well, to see a powerful Jedi like Anakin struggling to keep his internal evil at bay even after his death. Episode VIII could achieve a lot by reviving this concept, then, so let€™s hope that Rian Johnson dusts it off. Which unused Force Awakens concept would you most like to see revisited? Let us know in the comments€

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