Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Key Questions In Where The Saga Can Go From Here?

5. Returning Characters

Star Wars Saga N4 So ideally with our core characters returning, this also means the supporting cast are there as well. Lando could be a general to the trooper army of the Republic maybe. R2-D2 is still loyal to Luke Skywalker and C-3P0 to Leia. You€™d imagine Chewbacca will be along for the ride if Han Solo is and if the Solos do have kids, you€™d imagine Chewie is like the best uncle ever, right? Characters like Mon Mothma, Admiral Akbar and Wedge are faces that could no doubt offer a fine connection to the original trilogy and I€™d even go as far as to include prequel trilogy characters to take steps to bring all that has come before together in one place. Yes, I€™m talking Gungan€™s, Neomodians and even nods at Battle Droids and other visuals from the first three episodes. Also don€™t forget the expanded universe. I for one don€™t really want to see direct adaptations but characters are more than welcome to enter the new sequels, especially the much loved ones from novels and comic book pages. Additionally, we may even get a surprise or two. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Mace Windu returned from the grave, offering up an interesting insight into everything post Episode III. Don€™t forget historically, some of the early Star Wars drafts where The Journal of the Whills and they tell the story of "Mace Windy". Arguably, it€™s Mace (later changed to Windu) who is telling all of these Star Wars stories, his return could very well continue that story. Episode 7 has quite the possibility to bond and unite all things Star Wars. The way I see it is that Episodes 1-3 is about collapse, 4-6 are about fixing things and 7-9 have to be about rebuilding (which ties in nicely to Disney€™s Star Wars plans too). Using the existing characters as building blocks for the future of Star Wars seems like a celebration in all things Star Wars and I am very much looking forward to this.

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