5. Star Wars Isn't Sacred Anymore
Again, I go back to the fact that Star Wars was once a sacred institution - not just a movie franchise, but on the way to being a doctrine of belief and aspiration, inspiring thousands to pursue careers in storytelling and filmmaking. You know what it is today? Just another generic franchise. There I said it. If it had been put to bed with Return of the Jedi, it'd have been perfect. But Lucas couldn't resist playing with them, updating them, remastering them. And that was his right, I suppose, that was his vision. But then he, for seemingly entirely financial reasons, decided to make episodes I - III which, as a life-long fan, completely shattered everything good that had come before it. With that, Star Wars lost its status and suddenly, painfully became completely generic. Now, with a name like Disney pulling the strings, I can't see how that's going to improve. I envision a stock sci-fi adventure with a $150 mil + production budget and a Star Wars sticker slapped haphazardly on the front of it. Before Episodes I - III, maybe I'd have reserved my judgement on a Disney fronted Star Wars movie, but with the franchise in the state that its been left in, I really can't see it capturing even a fraction of the magnificence of the originals.