Star Wars Episode 7: 5 Reasons It Could Be Awesome and 5 Reasons It Could Suck

1. The Possibilities

Everyone knows that beyond the two trilogies exists an extended mythology in the form of comic books, novels, cartoons, and video games, many of which tell stories on par with the films. Their existence proves that the narrative possibilities extend beyond the story of the Skywalkers, and gives those involved in creating Episode VII a ton of material to draw from. The original films were tight and focused on one aspect of a huge universe, much of which has only been explored in other mediums. With Disney€™s new trilogy, fans and casual movie goers alike can finally see new and interesting corners of the galaxy. This includes new planets, new aliens, new technology, and new cultures. Best of all, however, are the story possibilities. With Lucas gone and Disney bringing in new creative talent, the story can go in any direction. Maybe Disney will surprise us and bring to life a well known novel or comic book story arc. Or maybe they will go completely original with it. It is also free to go in any direction it wants, either going into the past beyond even the prequels or into the future after Return of the Jedi. The possibilities are huge and endless, lending this new upcoming trilogy an air of mystery that excites with potential. Now on to why Disney's Star Wars could suck...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.