Star Wars Episode VII: 10 Things It Can Do Better Than The Originals
7. Avoid Giving The Villains A Stupid Achilles Heel
When watching movies like the Star Wars trilogy a certain amount of suspension of disbelief ia to be expected - this is entertaining action science fiction cinema, not a Shakespearian adaptation, so a few implausibilities here and there aren't something to get worked up about. Still, if there's one thing that bugged more than a few people about the first Star Wars movie it's the Death Star's ridiculous Achilles Heel - why in the galaxy would the architect of such a grand, monolithic force for destruction include in the design an easily accessible port on the surface which, if fired into, will cause the entire thing to blow up immediately? It's another minor quibble, but if Episode VII can avoid silly flaws such as this one then not only will the tension increase but it'll also retain a stronger degree of logic - not to mention give the audience the impression that the enemy aren't a bunch of incompetent idiots.