Star Wars Episode VII: 5 Starships That Should Return

4. Star Destroyers

star wars ships 3 Now I said before €œNo Empire ships€ but remember the republic had Star Destroyers too and I feel at this stage these big ass ships that carry a ton of troopers, ships and supplies have become key visual signifiers to where the galaxy is in terms of politics. Republic Star Destroyers have softer lines, a more noble appearance and are almost a symbol of the good guy€™s cavalry arriving when you see them on screen. Imperial Star Destroyers are a lot sharper, colourless and very much like a battleship in appearance, signifying power and strength and not really a sight you want to see passing your planet. Now, if these do return to Episodes VII to IX, which I think is a good bet, they should inform us of where the galaxy is at 30 years after Return of the Jedi. Have the designs gone back to a more Republic look or have the sharper imperial Star Destroyers been kept on but prettied up with Republic insignias and friendlier designs? I€™d expect a slight redesign that marries both the Republic and Empire looks for Episode VII and beyond and depending on where the plot goes for the new films, we€™ll soon discover how we should feel about them.

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