Star Wars: Every Major Jedi Ranked Worst To Best

7. Qui-Gon Jinn

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey lightsaber

This character - introduced in The Phantom Menace - showed what a Jedi who goes against the grain could be like.

The original trilogy gave us some brief knowledge about the Jedi, but the prequels were our chance to see them in action fully. Qui-Gon came along to instantly show that the order was full of awesome heroes but that it wasn't the harmonious organisation you might have thought.

The character was instantly memorable, as while he played a great mentor, he was also stubborn and set in his ways. This made him compelling to watch because you could easily fall for his likeable charm, but he had enough flaws to make him feel complex. His reason for falling a little short here comes more down to his position in The Phantom Menace than his character.

Qui-Gon Jinn's merits were abundant, but fans knew he would bite the bullet in the flick, as he'd never received mention in the original trilogy. Thus, it was hard to see him as anything but cannon fodder for Obi-Wan's development as a Jedi.


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