Star Wars: Every Major Jedi Ranked Worst To Best

6. Rey Skywalker

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey lightsaber

Rey is probably one of the most divisive protagonists in the Star Wars saga, as in many ways, she matched the trajectory of the sequel trilogy itself.

At first, fans were utterly hooked by her curiosity, bravery and mysterious origins. Then, as things moved along, she began to lose some of that charisma and charm, focussing instead on awkward humour and fetch-quests. There was magic bubbling at the surface, but it never quite got out.

The character has a lot of plus points, as she has a drive and will to become better, which all Jedi - and protagonists in general - benefit from. In addition to this, she was able to inspire many young female fans of the series, which Star Wars had been sorely waiting for.

But, alongside these positive factors comes a Dark Side. Rey was truly undeveloped as things went along. The reveal of her family history was primed to be significant but was fumbled through as The Last Jedi claimed one thing, and Rise of Skywalker retconned it by turning her into a Palpatine.

Overall, her confusing origins and lack of development counteract many of her best selling points.


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