Star Wars: EVERY Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best
13. Attack Of The Clones
Okay, we're getting into the thick of it now.
Attack of the Clones was the second film in the prequel trilogy, released in 2002, and it's one of the most divisive amongst fans. But like the majority of the franchise, there are plenty of things to love. There's Jango Fett, a young Boba, the origins of the clones, and Yoda going all-out against Count Dooku.
The crowning achievement of the picture is without question the Battle of Geonosis, a movie moment that never fails to receive cheers from first-time audiences, but aside from that it's mostly quite dismal.
Whilst Anakin's (Hayden Christensen) massacre of the Tusken Raiders that killed his mother is relatively affecting, the rest of his arc is underwhelming at best. The courtship between him and Padme (Natalie Portman) is cringe-worthy and completely disengaging, and goes on for far too long. Pair that with Christensen's over-the-top, massively petulant performance and some clear over-indulgence in CGI, and what you have is a Star Wars vehicle which should have been one of the greats but ends up near the bottom of the pile.
But at least Sam Jackson got his purple lightsaber.