Star Wars: Han Solo - 6 Things We Learnt About The Standalone Movie At Celebration

5. Ehrenreich Won The Role Because He Was The Most Han On The Falcon

Hail Caesar Alden Ehrenreich Hobie Doyle
Universal Pictures

But what was it that made the first auditionee the best auditionee? Well, it sounds like he was the most "Han" of the lot.

The final stage of the casting process had the shortlist perform a scene in costume on the Falcon set (from Episode VIII, presumably), and according to Lord and Miller, every single actor would lose their sh*t and be unable to deliver a proper performance out the sheer giddiness of being Han Solo for a scene; they joked they didn't even bother turning on the camera for the first twenty minutes of the screen tests.

The only one who didn't was Ehrenreich - he walked on and immediately fell into cool character, and on stage acted like it'd be silly to do anything different. I think they got it right.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.