Star Wars: Ranking The Lightsaber Battles From Worst To Best

2. Luke Vs Darth Vader - The Empire Strikes Back

Luke Hand Chopped Off Gif While seeing Disney take up the baton for the younger generation is exciting, meeting someone who boldly claims they've never watched the original Star Wars trilogy is a bit depressing. If it wasn't for devastatingly iconic moments like the end of The Empire Strikes Back, Episodes I, II, III, VII, and beyond probably wouldn't exist. The suspense in this scene is immediate and riveting as a young Luke faces off against a sinister Vader in the foggy, red atmosphere of the carbon-freezing chamber. Somehow we know that Luke is doomed as the wheezing Vader stalks him through the mechanical nightmare of Cloud City's underbelly. When Vader cuts off Luke's hand you can practically feel the loss, but nothing prepared us for the when the villain reveals the truth about Luke's parentage in a shocking twist that people are still talking about thirty-five years later. Also, did we happen to mention that it's the most recognizable duel €“ perhaps scene €“ in cinema history? Enough said.
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