Star Wars: Ranking The Lightsaber Battles From Worst To Best

1. Duel Of The Fates

Darth Maul Gif Phantom Menace disappointment and prequel bashing aside, we can all agree on one thing for sure. Episode I nailed its lightsaber duel. Delivering the jackpot of all face-offs, the final fight between the doomed Qui-Gon, the young Obi-Wan, and the sinister Darth Maul made the movie. The music was a major player. The soundtrack during this fight tingled so many spines the entire sequence is known better as Duel of the Fates, the name of its accompanying music. No one will ever forget the hanger doors pealing back, leaving only Maul standing in the doorway; the deliberate way he drops the hood, revealing his crown of horns, or how he changed Star Wars history with a double-bladed lightsaber. In that aspect, Episode VII has a lot to live up to. Which Star Wars lightsaber battle do you think deserves to come top of the pile? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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