Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Crazy Rumours You Should Definitely Believe

8. It's Official Title Will Be Star Wars: Rogue One

Everyone, from Lucasfilm in the official announcement itself to the countless press outlets picking up this story, has quoted the movie's title as simple Rogue One. Fair enough, that is what Disney called it, but come December 2016 you can bet that'll be the subtitle. There hasn't been a story in the history of Star Wars that hasn't had the franchise name in the title, and don't expect Disney to change that now. Brand recognition, from toys to Google results (Star Wars is searched infinitely more times that The Force Awakens), requires a coherent umbrella term, which Star Wars inherently has. They'd be idiots to make a movie that doesn't utilise it. This would actually have a fascinating impact on the series. Episode VII is just called Star Wars: The Force Awakens, noticeably dropping the series' stalwart numbering system, and Rogue One following a similar naming method would mean there'd be increasingly less distinction between the movies that fall into the main story and what have so far been labelled as spin-offs. Disney will need to move away from the episode structure eventually; it's only really feasible up to Episode XII (after that, you're going beyond the original remit). And what better way to do that than to make the idea of an Episode less distinct, twisting the original Skywalker story to be just part of a wider, ongoing universe.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.