Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Crazy Rumours You Should Definitely Believe

7. There'll Be No Opening Crawl

Although calling the movie Star Wars: Rogue One will make it feel more substantial than your usual spin-off, Disney are still going to want some distinction between those movies and the even bigger main story films (like how Marvel hasn't named Captain America: Civil War, which will feature most of the Avengers, an Avengers movie). To that end, Star Wars: Rogue One will wind up clarifying what classic Star Wars elements are part of the series as a whole, and which are specific to the "main" movies. One series-defining trait that is undoubtably going to end up reserved only for use in the proper episodes is the opening crawl. Various Expanded Universe properties (most prominently the games) featured their own scrolling text in homage to the movies, but not only did it look really tacky, it hasn't been utilised by any of the media that is now regarded as canon; The Clone Wars used forties-style news footage to set the scene and Rebels just opens in situ. It's not as big a deal as you think to lose the crawl. In Star Wars it was just an oblique throw-back to the Flash Gordon serials (which inspired the whole episode structure), and not something that really needs to be carried over to a more expansive franchise.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.