Star Wars Rogue One: 10 Major Concerns From Trailer 3

8. Prequel Fever Is A Real Disease

Star Wars Rogue One

Star Wars does not have a great track record with prequels, and that's putting it nicely.

The problem with prequels generally is they are a lazy way to squeeze all the life out of a story. Going backwards and informing the audience of what has already happened allows franchises to go on and on with no new ideas but lots of new money.

And of course, already knowing what's going to happen can make it very difficult to create any real sense of stakes and this was just one of the numerous problems with Star Wars I, II and III.

From this most recent trailer we can already see a bunch of things we've already seen like the Death Star, Darth Vader and numerous conversations in dark rooms around holographic images of stuff. Beyond the repetition, the smart money is on all of these characters dying anyway as we've never seen them anywhere else and would be old or dead anyway by the time Episode VII comes around rendering all of this pointless.

Does it even matter how the Death Star plans were taken when we've already seen the battle that destroys it anyway? Is all of this just a meandering journey into territories known and unimportant?

Maybe that's too cynical but still, it's a major concern.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.