Star Wars Rogue One: 10 Major Questions We Still Have

8. Will Any Other Familiar Faces Appear?

Rogue One Jyn Erso

Among the many trailers fans have already spotted the return of Mon Mothma, as well as Bail Organa, and of course Lord Vader himself. And Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera will be familiar to Clone Wars fans.

Talking of men with prosthetic limbs, we are promised that Darth Vader will be used "sparingly" throughout Rogue One, begging the other question of how he actually ties into the story...

But what of the other familiar faces? We have already seen Ben Mendolsohn's Orson Krennic, but is Grand Moff Tarkin also knocking around the Death Star. Peter Cushing famously played the Grand Moff himself in 1977, but was non-too bother about the role, even resorting to wearing slippers on set:

I've often wondered what a 'Grand Moff' was. It sounds like something that flew out of a cupboard.

The Tarkin novella tracks a pre-Death Star time, and with the character being so influential in the creation of Vader and the weapon, it would make sense to include him as one of the franchise's greatest villains.

The jury is out on whether the cloaked figure we see in the trailers is in fact Krennic or a surprise appearance of Tarkin, but Edwards was reportedly thinking about bringing Tarkin back in CGI form. He could just as easily be played by Farscape's Wayne Pygram who took on the mantle for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it version of the character for Episode III.

There are sure to be some other surprises along the way, and maybe a droid or two. After all, it just wouldn't be Star Wars without Anthony Daniels and a posthumous appearance from Kenny Baker.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap