Star Wars Rogue One: 12 Most Awesome Moments

10. "Rogue One"

Star Wars Darth Vader

One of the great things about Rogue One is that it commits to the bleakness of the premise; these characters are on a suicide mission, which goes about as well as suicide missions typically go.

By the point they undertake this mission you’ve grown quite fond of this group of rebel misfits, so knowing they’re doomed gives it an emotional weight. It’s hard not feel a little flutter of emotion when they accidently coin the call sign "Rogue One" when the ship is flagged since it perfectly sums up the team.

It's also easy to get misty-eyed when the rebel fleet hope the force will be with Rogue One, since they're essentially doomed by that stage.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.