Star Wars: Rogue One - 16 Major Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

1. The "Truth" On The Reshoots

Star Wars Rogue One 2

Despite there being a lot of awesome ideas and real potential in Rogue One, in the past few weeks the discussion's been a little less positive. At the start of June it was revealed the film was going to have lengthy reshoots, with rumours of Lucasfilm top brass demanding major tonal shifts after disliking an early cut. This naturally comes up in EW's piece, and while it's incredibly vague and the wording is very careful, it provides some insight into what's going on with the film.

The big message is that instead of seismic changes to the film, the goal of these reshoots, beyond the standard reasons (getting flubbed shots, making adjustments for the edit), is to up the ante of the emotional and action beats. Details beyond that are tricky - Edwards was coy as you'd expect in his statements - but it certainly sounds like some of the rumours have blown things up a bit; the director points out that, as this is such a big ensemble piece, the simple logistics of getting everyone back poses a problem that immediately exacerbates length.

Of course, the trepidation about details could mean things are as messed up as feared. There's particularly a real skittishness about defining what the tone is - yes, it's a war movie, but there's also talk of keeping things closer to traditional Star Wars. Fingers crossed this is just the brain-trust being secretive.

Are you excited for Rogue One? Share your thoughts on all the EW news down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.